(100) Si円環型振動ジャイロ
A geometrical compensation design method in (100) single crystal silicon (SCS) vibrating ring gyroscope (VRG) has been proposed in order to decrease frequency splits (∆f) caused by the anisotropic in-plane Young’s modulus (E) and realize mode-matching. The FEA simulations and experimental results demonstrated its effectivity to decrease ∆f thus realize mode-matching.
- Inertial measurement unit (IMU)
- Ammunitions & rockets guidance
- Yunyi Shu, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya
Scale-Factor Analysis of a Geometrically Compensated (100) Single-Crystal Silicon Vibratory Ring Gyroscope
The 7th IEEE International Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems (INERTIAL 2020), Hiroshima, Japan, (March 23-26, 2020)