International Conferences & Invited

Last Update: July 2, 2020
+ Journal Papers, Reviews
+ International Conferences, Invited
+ Domestic Conferences
+ Books, Memoirs, Others

国際学会:International Conferences (140)


  1. Tomoya Nakamura, Yoshikazu Hirai, Osamu Tabata, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, “Electrostatic Micro Mirror Array with Batch-Fabricated Torsion Beam of Silicon Nanowire”, The 33rd IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2020), Vancuver, Canada (January 2020), pp.1157-1160.【abstract】
  2. Yunyi Shu, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, “Scale-Factor Analysis of a Geometrically Compensated (100) Single-Crystal Silicon Vibratory Ring Gyroscope”, The 7th IEEE International Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems (INERTIAL 2020), Hiroshima, Japan, (March, 2020).【abstract】
  3. Jiandong Yang, Yoshikazu Hirai, Ken-ichiro Kamei, Marika Trumm, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “In Vitro Modeling of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease by Integrated Gut-Liver on a Chip”, The 2020 MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit, Phoenix, AR USA (April, 2020), accepted.


  1. Katsuo Nakamura, Yuichi Kimoto, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Microfabrication of Alkali Vapor Cells with Lower the Outgassing and Temperature Utilizing Silicon 3D Structure”, The 32nd IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2019), Seoul, Korea (January 2019), pp.350-353.【abstract】
  2. Hirofumi Shimizu, Masayuki Iwamoto, Kentaro Kajiwara, Yoshikazu Hirai, Osamu Tabata, “Method to Record Single-Molecule Fluctuations and Conformational Changes in Proteins”, The 9th Federation of the Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies Congress (FAOPS2019), Kobe, Japan (March 2019), 2P-438.
  3. Naoki Yamashita, Seongsu Park, Kentaro Kawai, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy with Gold Nanoparticle Dimers Created by Sacrificial DNA Origami Technique”, The 14th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2019), Bangkok, Thailand (April, 2019), pp.322-323.
  4. Yusuke Tsuji, Yoshikazu Hirai, Ken-ichiro Kamei, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Characterization of Ionic Liquid-Based Pressure Sensor Fabricated by Grayscale Lithography”, The 14th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2019), Bangkok, Thailand (April, 2019), pp.409-411.
  5. Yunyi Shu, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Optimazation of Suspending Beams for Mode-Matching of (100) Single-Crystal Silicon Vibratory Ring Gyroscope”, The 14th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2019), Bangkok, Thailand (April, 2019), SuPo1.11.
  6. Ikkei Yamauchi, Tomoki Tabuchi, Yoshikazu Hirai, Masayuki Iwamoto, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Hirofumi Shimizu, Osamu Tabata, “Microfabricated Solution Chamber for High Resolution Diffracted X-ray Tracking Method to Observe Ion-Channel Gating Motions”, The 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’19), Berlin, Germany (June, 2019), pp.25-28. Outstanding Paper Award Finalists (Oral Category)】【abstract】
  7. Masaki Shimofuri, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Temperature Difference Measurement Acrorss MEMS Based Nanogap Created by Cleavage of Silicon for Thermionic Generation”, The 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’19), Berlin, Germany (June, 2019), pp.1483-1486.【abstract】
  8. Yuki Yamazaki, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Parallel Tensile-mode Testing of Single Crystal Silicon By Specimen Integrating Shear Strain Gauge”, The 45th International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering (MNE2019), Rhodes, Greece (September, 2019), PC133.
  9. Amit Banerjee, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Vacuum Emission in MEMS Fracture Fabricated, Gap-Controlled Si Nano Electrodes”, The 32nd International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2019), Hiroshima, Japan (October, 2019), 31P-8-26.
  10. Jiandong Yang, Yoshikazu Hirai, Ken-ichiro Kamei, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Integrated Gut-Liver on a Chip for Modelling Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in vitro”, The 23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2019), Basel, Switzerland (October 2019), pp.376-377.
  11. (Invited) Yoshikazu Hirai, “PDMS-integratable Ionic Liquid-based Pressure Sensor for Microphysiological Systems”, The 5th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2019), Jeju, Korea (November 2019), 13-0241.
  12. (Invited) Yoshikazu Hirai, “Microfabricated Observation Chamber for Diffracted X-ray Tracking Method to Capture Ion-Channel Gating Motion at Time-Lapse Images”, The 13th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering (IEEE-NANOMED 2019), Gwangju, Korea (November 2019), SS17.4.


  1. Yoshikazu Hirai, Yusuke Tsuji, Ken-ichiro Kamei, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Improved Sensitivity of Ionic Liquid-Based Pressure Sensor for Body-on-a-Chip using Simulation-Based 3D Lithography”, The 31st IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2018), Belfast, United Kingdom (January 2018), pp.511-514. 【abstract】
  2. Akiko Uno, Yoshikazu Hirai, Osamu Tabata, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, “Zernike Generation with MEMS Deformable Mirror Actuated by Electrostatic Piston Array”, The 31st IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2018), Belfast, United Kingdom (January 2018), pp.704-707. 【abstract】
  3. Shu Yunyi, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Geometrical Compensation of (100) Single-Crystal Silicon Mode-Matched Vibratory Ring Gyroscope”, The 5th IEEE International Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems (INERTIAL 2018), Lake Como, Italy (March 2018), P1-14. 【abstract】
  4. Yoshikazu Hirai, Katsuo Nakamura, Yuichi Kimoto, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Alkali Metal Dispenser Utilizing Scalloped Silicon Groove for Microfabricated Vapor Cells”, The 2018 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS 2018), Olympic Valley, CA USA (May 2018), ThP27. 【abstract】
  5. Yoshikazu Hirai, Katsuo Nakamura, Yuichi Kimoto, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Low-temperature Alkali Metal Production Utilizing Scalloped Silicon Grooves For Microfabricated Alkali Vapor Cells”, The 9-th Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT 2018), Hong Kong (June 2018), 94.
  6. Amit Banerjee, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Vacuum Emission in Large-Area Nanogap Fabricated by MEMS Controlled Cleavage of Single Crystal Silicon”, The 31st International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC 2018), Kyoto, Japan (July 2018), O9-2. 【abstract】
  7. Yoshikazu Hirai, Yasuaki Mori, Tomoki Tabuchi, Hirofumi Shimizu, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Microchannel Fabrication using a Photo Patternable Adhesive Material for Recording Conformational Changes of KcsA Channel with the Diffracted X-ray Tracking Method”, The EUROSENSORS 2018, Graz, Austria (September 2018), P45. 【abstract】
  8. Jiaxu Wu, Yoshikazu Hirai, Ken-ichiro Kamei, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Fluidic-Capacitor Integrated Microfluidic Platform to Mimic Heart Beating for Generation of Functional Liver Organoids”, The 22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2018), Kaohsiung, Taiwan (November 2018), pp.1718-1721.
  9. (Invited) Yoshikazu Hirai, “Three Dimensional UV Lithography Technologies for Microphysiological Systems”, The 31st International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2018), Sapporo, Japan (November, 2018).
  10. Shu Yunyi, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Geometrical Compensation for Mode-Matching of (100) Silicon Ring Resonator for Vibratory Gyroscope”, The 31st International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2018), Sapporo, Japan (November, 2018), 14B-3-1.
  11. Wenlei Zhang, Kazutaka Obitani, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Fracture Strength of a Silicon Torsional Mirror Resonator Fully Coated with Submicrometer-Thick PECVD DLC Film”, The 31st International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2018), Sapporo, Japan (November, 2018), 15D-4-3.
  12. Masaki Shimofuri, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Non-Contact Temperature Difference Measurement of Cleavage Plane Nanogap Electrodes with Large Surface Area”, The 2018 MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit, Boston, MA USA (November, 2018), TP02.07.04.
  13. Yusuke Tsuji, Yoshikazu Hirai, Ken-ichiro Kamei, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Improvement Performance of Ionic Liquid-Based Pressure Sensor for Integration Into Body-on-a-Chip”, The 2018 MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit, Boston, MA USA (November, 2018), BM05.06.03.


  1. Wenlei Zhang, Akio Uesugi, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Tensile Properties of Single-Crystal-Silicon Fully Coated with Submicrometer-Thick PECVD DLC”, The 30th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2017), Las Vegas, NV USA (January 2017), pp.732-735. 【abstract】
  2. (Invited) Yoshikazu Hirai, Ken-ichiro Kamei, Osamu Tabata, “Body-on-a-Chip: an application of 3-D microstructuring techniques”, The 9th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Application for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / The 10th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (ISPlasma 2017 /IC-PLANTS 2017), Nagoya, Japan, (March, 2017), 03aE06I.
  3. (Invited) Ken-ichiro Kamei, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Integrated Heart/Cancer on a Chip: Towards Recapitulation of Side Effects”, The 12th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2017), Los Angeles, CA USA (April, 2017).
  4. Naoki Yamashita, Zhipeng Ma, Seongsu Park, Kentaro Kawai, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Formation of Gold Nanoparticle Dimers on Silicon by Sacrificial DNA Origami Technique”, The 12th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2017), Los Angeles, CA USA (April 2017), pp.710-713. 【abstract】
  5. Yoshikazu Hirai, Kenta Terashima, Katsuo Nakamura, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Low Temperature, Wafer-Level Process of Alkali-Metal Vapor Cells for Micro-Fabricated Atomic Clocks”, The 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’17), Kaohsiung, Taiwan (June, 2017), pp.431-434. 【abstract】
  6. Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Yuki Matsui, Yoshikazu Hirai, Osamu Tabata, “Thermomechanical Noise of Arrayed Capacitive Accelerometers with 300-nm Gap Sensing Electrodes”, The 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’17), Kaohsiung, Taiwan (June, 2017), pp.1002-1005. 【abstract】
  7. Amit Banerjee, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “MEMS Based Fabrication of Conformal Electrode Pairs for Thermotunneling Cooling”, The 2017 International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai (IMFEDK2017), Kyoto, Japan (June, 2017), pp.106-107. 【abstract】
  8. Kenta Terashima, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Microfabrication of Cs-Filled MEMS Cell Using Sequential Plasma Activated Bonding”, The 31st European Frequency and Time Forum and the 71st consecutive meeting of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF-IFCS 2017), Besançon, France (July, 2017), pp.60-62. 【abstract】
  9. Tatsuya Omaki, Yoshikazu Hirai, Ken-ichiro Kamei, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Microfabrication of Embedding a Flexible Parylene-Based Microelectrode Array within Body-on-a-Chip”, The 31st EUROSENSORS (EUROSENSORS 2017), Paris, France (September, 2017), Proceedings 2017, 1(4), 302. 【abstract】
  10. Yuto Yamaki, Yuki Sato, Takayuki Yamada, Kazuhiro Izui, Shinji Nishiwaki, Yoshikazu Hirai, Osamu Tabata, “Deformable Mirror Design Based on Current Value Optimization and Actuator Reduction”, International Conference on Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design Optimization and Control with Applications to Industrial and Societal Problems (EUROGEN 2017), Madrid, Spain (September, 2017), accepted.
  11. Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Yuki Matsui, Yoshikazu Hirai, Osamu Tabata, “Bidirectional Hysteresis in Frequency Response of Arrayed Electrostatic MEMS Resonator”, The 30th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2017), Jeju, Korea (November, 2017), 8P-7-84.
  12. Wenlei Zhang, Akio Uesugi, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Tensile Properties of Single Crystal Silicon Microstructure Fully-Coated by Plasma CVD Diamond-Like Carbon with Different Substrate Bias Voltages”, The 2017 MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit, Boston, MA USA (November, 2017), EM06.05.04.
  13. Amit Banerjee, Yasuaki Mori, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “A MEMS Based Approach for Fabricating Conformal Nanogap Electrodes for Thermotunneling Energy Harvesting Applications”, The 2017 MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit, Boston, MA USA (November, 2017), ES09.03.28.


  1. Zhipeng Ma, Seongsu Park, Naoki Yamashita, Kentaro Kawai, Do-Nyun Kim, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Mechanical Stability for the Connections of DNA Origami Using Anti-Parallel/Parallel Double Crossovers”, The 11th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2016), Sendai & Matsushima-bay, Miyagi, Japan (April 2016), A1L-C-5.
  2. Seongsu Park, Zhipeng Ma, Naoki Yamashita, Kentaro Kawai, Do-Nyun Kim, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “A Multibody Brownian Dynamics for Modeling Size-Separation of dsDNA Fragment and DNA Origami Tiles in Anisotropic Nanosieving Array”, The 11th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2016), Sendai & Matsushima-bay, Miyagi, Japan (April 2016), B1L-D-4.
  3. Kanji Yasuda, Akio Uesugi, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Design Optimization of Integrated Shear Strain Gauge for Single-Crystal-Silicon Parallel Tensile-Testing Device”, The 11th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2016), Sendai & Matsushima-bay, Miyagi, Japan (April 2016), B3P-B-53.
  4. Amit Banerjee, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Electromechanical Fabrication of Conformal Nanogap Electrodes for Thermotunneling Cooling”, The 11th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2016), Sendai & Matsushima-bay, Miyagi, Japan (April 2016), B3P-B-61.
  5. Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Tetsuya Hemmi, Jun-ya Suzuki, Yoshikazu Hirai, Osamu Tabata, “Tensile Fracture of Integrated Single-Crystal Silicon Nanowire using MEMS Electrostatic Testing Device”, The 21st European Conference on Fracture (ECF21), Catania, Italy (June, 2016), 3.1.4. 【abstract】
  6. Akio Uesugi, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Effect of Crystallographic Orientations on Fractures and Slip Occurrences at 500 °C of (110) Single Crystal Silicon Microstructures”, The 21st European Conference on Fracture (ECF21), Catania, Italy (June, 2016), 3.1.6. 【abstract】
  7. Akiko Uno, Vijay Kumar Singh, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Fabrication of MEMS Deformable Mirror Actuated by Electrostatic Piston Array”, The 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro/Nano Technologies (APCOT 2016), Kanazawa, Japan (June, 2016), pp.113-114.
  8. Ken-ichiro Kamei, Yoshikazu Hirai, Yoshiki Kato, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Cancer on a Chip to Recapitulate the Side Effects of Anticancer Drug in Vitro”, The 2nd Annual Organ-on-a-Chip World Congress 2016, Boston MA (June, 2016), Poster No. 12.
  9. Akiko Uno, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “MEMS Deformable Mirror Actuated By Electrostatic Piston Array”, The 2016 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN2016), Singapore (July, 2016), pp.55-56. 【abstract】
  10. Kio Tahara, Yoshikazu Hirai, Hirofumi Shimizu, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Photoresist Micro-Chamber for the Diffracted X-ray Tracking Method Recording Single-Molecule Conformational Changes”, The 30th EUROSENSORS (EUROSENSORS XXX), Budapest, Hungary (September, 2016), WL.FLU-10-8363. 【abstract】
  11. Katsuo Nakamura, Florian Larramendy, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Oliver Paul, Osamu Tabata, “Simulation Study of SU-8 Structures Realized by Single-Step Projection Photolithography”, IEEE SENSORS 2016, Orland, FL USA (October, 2016), pp.139-141. 【abstract】
  12. (Invited) Ken-ichiro Kamei, Yoshiki Kato, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Yong Chen, Osamu Tabata, “Integrated Heart/Cancer on a Chip: Towards in vitro recapitulation of side effects of anti-cancer drugs”, The 10th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering (IEEE NANOMED 2016), Macau SAR, China (October, 2016).
  13. Zhipeng Ma, Seongsu Park, Naoki Yamashita, Kentaro Kawai, Do-Nyun Kim, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Radial Mechanical Property of a Crossover Density-Varied DNA Nanotube”, The 29th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2016), Kyoto, Japan (November, 2016), 9B-2-2.
  14. Wenlei Zhang, Akio Uesugi, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Tensile Test of a Silicon Microstructure Fully Coated with Submicrometer-Thick DLC Film Using PECVD Method”, The 29th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2016), Kyoto, Japan (November, 2016), 9D-2-4.
  15. Amit Banerjee, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “MEMS Fabricated Conformal Electrodes Attempting Thermotunneling Refrigeration”, The 29th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2016), Kyoto, Japan (November, 2016), 11C-10-5.
  16. Seongsu Park, Sung Hee, Zhipeng Ma, Jongyoon Han, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Yoshikazu Hirai, Osamu Tabata, “On-Chip Separation of Triangular and Cylindrical DNA Origami Nanostructures Using Slanted Nanofilter Array”, The 2016 Annual Meeting of the AES Electrophoresis Society, San Francisco, CA USA (November, 2016), 251s.
  17. (Invited) Ken-ichiro Kamei, Yoshiki Kato, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Yong Chen, Osamu Tabata, “Body on a Chip Towards Understanding of the Side Effects of Anti-Cancer Drug in Vitro”, The 29th Annual and International Meeting of Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology (JAACT), Kobe, Japan (November, 2016).
  18. Yu Nakano, Yoshikazu Hirai, Ken-ichiro Kamei, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Design and Fabrication of Ionic Liquid-Based Pressure Sensor for Evaluation of Vascularization of Micro-Tissues”, International Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology 2016 (MNST2016), Tokyo, Japan (December, 2016), SaA1-B-1.
  19. Akio Uesugi, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Effect of Tensile Orientation on Slip and Fracture of (110) Silicon at High Temperature”, International Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology 2016 (MNST2016), Tokyo, Japan (December, 2016), SuA1-A-2.
  20. Kanji Yasuda, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Integrated Shear Strain Gauge for Parallel Tensile-Mode Fatigue Testing Device”, International Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology 2016 (MNST2016), Tokyo, Japan (December, 2016), SuA1-A-8.


  1. Akio Uesugi, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Size Effect on Brittle-Ductile Transition on Temperature of Silicon by Means of Tensile Testing”, The 28th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS2015), Estoril, Portugal (January, 2015), pp.389-382. 【abstract】
  2. Kosuke Hokazono, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “FET Properties of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Individually Assembled utilizing Single Strand DNA”, The 28th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS2015), Estoril, Portugal (January, 2015), pp.417-420. 【abstract】
  3. Xiaoxu Ma, Yoshiki Kato, Yoshikazu Hirai, Floris van Kempen, Fred van Keulen, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Optimization Method for 3D Lithography Process Utilizing DMD-Based Maskless Grayscale Photolithography System”, Optical Microlithography XXVIII (Conference 9426), SPIE Advanced Lithography 2015, San Jose, CA USA (February, 2015), 9426-14. 【abstract】
  4. Zhipeng Ma, Young-Joo Kim, Seongsu Park, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Do-Nyum Kim, Osamu Tabata, “Direct Characterization of Radial Modulus of DNA Nanotube by AFM Nanoindentation”, The 10th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2015), Xi’an, China (April, 2015), pp.581-584. 【abstract】
  5. Kazuhiro Ban, Kazuya Tsujimoto, Yoshikazu Hirai, Akira Terao, Natsuhiko Mizutani, Tetsuo Kobayashi, Osamu Tabata, “Alkali Metal Source Tablet for Vapor Cells of Atomic Magnetometers”, The 2015 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium & European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCF-EFTF 2015), Denver, CO USA (April, 2015), pp.174-179. 【abstract】
  6. Yoto Mori, Zhipeng Ma, Seongsu Park, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Selective Assembly of DNA Nanostructure Bridging Onto a Trenched Silicon Substrate”, The 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’15), Anchorage, AK USA (June, 2015), pp.1389-1392. 【abstract】
  7. Yoshiki Kato, Yoshikazu Hirai, Ken-ichiro Kamei, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Microfluidic Device to Interconnect Multiple Organs via Fluidic Circulation: Towards Body-on-a-Chip”, The 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’15), Anchorage, AK USA (June, 2015), pp.1549-1552. 【abstract】
  8. Yuki Matsui, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “A Sub-Micron-Gap SOI Capacitive Accelerometer Array utilizing Size Effect”, The 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’15), Anchorage, AK USA (June, 2015), pp.2212-2215. 【abstract】
  9. Xiaoxu Ma, Yoshiki Kato, Floris van Kempen, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Fred van Keulen, Osamu Tabata, “Multiple Patterning with Process Optimization Method for Maskless DMD-Based Grayscale Lithography”, The 29th EUROSENSORS (EUROSENSORS 2015), Freiburg, Germany (September, 2015), in Procedia Engineering, Vol.120, pp.1091-1094. 【abstract】
  10. Tetsuya Henmi, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Batch Integration Process of A Free-Standing Silicon Nanowire to MEMS”, The 26th Micromechanics and Microsystems Europe workshop (MME 2015), Toledo, Spain (September, 2015), Paper No. B6, p.29.
  11. Zhipeng Ma, Naoki Yamashita, Seongsu Park, Kentaro Kawai, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Programmable Polymerization of DNA Origami Structures with Double Crossovers Connection”, The 28th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2015), Toyama, Japan (November, 2015), 12-P-7-77.
  12. Seongsu Park, Zhipeng Ma, Naoki Yamashita, Kentaro Kawai, D.-N. Kim, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “A Constrained Rigid Body Brownian Dynamics Simulation for On-Chip Size-Separation of Cross-linked DNA Origami Tiles”, The 28th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2015), Toyama, Japan (November, 2015), 13P-11-118L.
  13. Akio Uesugi, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Parallel Tensile-Mode Fatigue Testing of Silicon Microstructures with Integrated Piezoresistive Stain Sensors”, The 28th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2015), Toyama, Japan (November, 2015), 13P-11-124L.


  1. Akio Uesugi, Takahiro Yasutomi, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Brittle-Ductile Transition of Single Crystal Silicon Micro Structure under Tensile Stress Below 600 °C”, The 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro/Nano Technologies (APCOT 2014), Daegu, Korea (June, 2014), 3-1.
  2. Xiaoxu Ma, Yoshiki Kato, Yoshikazu Hirai, Floris van Kempen, Fred van Keulen, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “An Optimization Approach for 3D Photolithography utilizing DMD Maskless Exposure System”, The 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro/Nano Technologies (APCOT 2014), Daegu, Korea (June, 2014), 6-1.
  3. Yusuke Kogita, Yoshikazu Hirai, Osamu Tabata, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, “Double-Side-Drive Electrostatic Optical Chopper for Time-Resolved Raman Spectroscopy”, The 2014 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN2014), Glasgow, Scotland (August, 2014), pp.65-66. 【abstract】
  4. Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Vijay Kumar Singh, Yoshikazu Hirai, Osamu Tabata, “Large-Displacement Electrostatic Deformable Mirror with Movable Bottom Electrodes”, The 2014 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN2014), Glasgow, Scotland (August, 2014), pp.119-120. 【abstract】
  5. Yoshikazu Hirai, Daisuke Takagi, Satoshi Anai, Yoshitomo Chihara, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Kiyohide Fujimoto, Yoshihiko Hirao, Osamu Tabata, “Photoresist-Based Microfluidic Cell Sorter for Photodynamic Urine Diagnosis”, The 28th EUROSENSORS (EUROSENSORS XXVIII), Brescia, Italy (September, 2014), pp.62-65. 【abstract】
  6. Akio Uesugi, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Tensile Testing in Vacuum with Concentrated Infrared Light Heating for Single Crystal Silicon Mechanical Characterization at High Temperature”, The 27th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2014), Fukuoka, Japan (November, 2014), 6C-5-1.
  7. Hirofumi Shimizu, Masayuki Iwamoto, Yumiko Oota, Yoshikazu Hirai, Osamu Tabata, Shigetoshi Oiki, “The Diffracted X-ray Tracking Method for Recording the Single-Molecule Conformational Changes of the KcsA Potassium Channel in a Sub-millisecond Time Resolution”, The 45th Natl Inst Physiol Sci (NIPS) International Symposium, Okazaki, Japan (November, 2014), P22.


  1. Toshiyuki Akishiba, Naoyuki Tamura, Takashi Ichii, Yoshikazu Hirai, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Hiroyuki Sugimura, Osamu Tabata, “DNA Origami Assembly on Patterned Silicon by AFM Based Lithography”, The 26th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS2013), Taipei, Taiwan (January, 2013), pp.307-310. 【abstract】 【Recieved the “Outstanding Paper Awards”】
  2. Atsushi Nakano, Yoshikazu Hirai, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, Akira Umeda, “Rotational Motion Effect on Sensitivity Matrix of MEMS Three-Axis Accelerometer for Realization of Concurrent Calibration using Vibration Table”, The 26th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS2013), Taipei, Taiwan (January, 2013), pp.645-648. 【abstract】
  3. Yoshiki Kato, Yoshikazu Hirai, Floris van Kempen, Fred van Keulen, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Novel Process Optimization Approach for DMD-based Grayscale 3D Microstructuring Photolithography”, The 10th International Workshop on High Aspect Ratio Micro and Nano System Technology (HARMNST 2013), Berlin, Germany (April, 2013), pp.192-193.
  4. Floris van Kempen, Yoshikazu Hirai, Fred van Keulen, Osamu Tabata, “Automatic Process Design for 3D Thick-Film Grayscale Photolithography”, The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’13), Barcelona, Spain (June, 2013), pp.1625-1628. 【abstract】
  5. Koji Sugano, Hiroshi Katayama, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “SERS Characterization Based on Silver Nanoparticle Dimer in Microfluidic Laminar Flow for Molecule Trace Detection”, The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’13), Barcelona, Spain (June, 2013), pp.1807-1810. 【abstract】
  6. Akio Uesugi, Yoshikazu Hirai, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Effect of Surface Morphology and Crystal Orientations on Fracture Strength of Thin Film (110) Single Crystal Silicon”, The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’13), Barcelona, Spain (June, 2013), pp.1946-1949. 【abstract】
  7. Akio Uesugi, Yoshikazu Hirai, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Fractography Analysis Of Tensile Tested (110) Silicon Prepared by Different Surface Morphology And Crystal Orientations”, ASME 2013 International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems (InterPACK 2013), Burlingame, CA USA (July, 2013)”, IPACK2013-73271.
  8. Daisuke Takagi, Yoshikazu Hirai, Satoshi Anai, Yoshitomo Chihara, Kiyohide Fujimoto, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Yoshihiko Hirao, Osamu Tabata, “Microfluidic Cell Sorter for Photodynamic Urine Diagnosis”, The 7th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering (IEEE-NANOMED 2013), Phuket, Thailand (November, 2013), pp.22-26. 【abstract】


  1. Akio Kitamura, Yoshikazu Hirai, Koji Sugano, Osamu Tabata, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, “Are Nonliner Resonators Suitable for Energy Harvesting? – Equivalent Circuit Analysis of Nonlinear Response of MEMS Resonator”, The 25th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE MEMS2012), Paris, France (January, 2012), pp.1213-1216. 【abstract】
  2. Tatsuya Kataoka, Yoshikazu Hirai, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Tensile Testing of SWCNT using Thermal Actuator Clamped with Electrolessly Deposited Gold Layer”, The 7th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2012), Kyoto, Japan (March, 2012), pp.335-336.
  3. Chunmei Huang, Toshiyuki Akishiba, Naoyuki Tamura, Yoshikazu Hirai, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Temperature Dependency of DNA Origami Self-Assembly Rate”, The 7th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2012), Kyoto, Japan (March, 2012), pp.411-412.
  4. Ken-Ichiro Kamei, Yoshikazu Hirai, Yoshihide Makino, Li Liu, Qinghua Yuan, Yong Chen, Osamu Tabata, “Evaluation of Negative Photoresists on Phenotypes of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (hiPSCs)”, The 7th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2012), Kyoto, Japan (March, 2012), pp.558-559.
  5. So Nishino, Yoshiko Takenaka, Yoshikazu Hirai, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Fabrication of Nanogap Electrodes by Gold Nanorod Growth on Substrate”, The 7th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2012), Kyoto, Japan (March, 2012), pp.652-653.
  6. Hiromasa Yagyu, Yoshikazu Hirai, Akio Uesugi, Yoshihide Makino, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Modeling and Elastic Property Simulation of Epoxy-Based Negative Photoresist using Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics”, The 7th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2012), Kyoto, Japan (March, 2012), pp.999-1000.
  7. Ken-Ichiro Kamei, Yoshikazu Hirai, Yoshihide Makino, Li Liu, Qinghua Yuan, Yong Chen, Osamu Tabata, “Phenotypic Modulation of Pluripotent Stem Cells by Microfabrication Materials”, The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) 10th Annual Meeting, Yokohama, Japan (June, 2012), T-2262.
  8. Floris van Kempen, Yoshikazu Hirai, Fred van Keulen, Osamu Tabata, “Optimization Techniques for Gray-Scale Photolithography”, The 9th ASMO UK / ISSMO conference on Engineering Design Optimization Product and Process Improvement, Cork, Ireland (July, 2012), accepted.
  9. Daimon Matsui, Yoshikazu Hirai, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Investigation of Nonlinear Decrease of Autofluorescence in Negative Thick-Film Resist”, The 6th IEEE Asia-Pacific Conferenc on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT2012), Nanjing, China (July, 2012), ac12000168.
  10. Hiromasa Yagyu, Yoshikazu Hirai, Yoshihide Makino, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Investigation of Molecular Diffusivity of Photoresist Membrane using Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulation”, The 26th EUROSENSORS (Eurosensors XXVI), Krakow, Poland (September, 2012), pp.402-405. 【abstract】
  11. Floris van Kempen, Yoshikazu Hirai, Fred van Keulen, Osamu Tabata, “Automated Optimization of Gray-Scale Masks for 3D Micro-Structuring”, The 6th European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), Vienna, Austria (September, 2012), 2253.
  12. Ken-Ichiro Kamei, Yoshikazu Hirai, Yoshihide Makino, Li Liu, Minako Nakajima, Qinghua Yuan, Yong Chen, Osamu Tabata, “Phenotypic Modulation of Pluripotent Stem Cells (PSCs) Induced by Microfabrication Materials” The 16th International Conference on. Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2012), Okinawa, Japan (October 2012), pp.1063-1065.
  13. (Invited) Yoshikazu Hirai, “Material Characterizations of Negative Photoresist for Bio-MEMS Applications”, The 2012 IEEE Nanotechnology Material and Devices Conference (IEEE-NMDC 2012), Honolulu, HI USA (October, 2012), pp.19.


  1. Kazuya Tsujimoto, Yoshikazu Hirai, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Sacrificial Microchannel Sealing by Glass-Frit Reflow for Chip Scale Atomic Magnet Meter”, The 24th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE MEMS2011), Cancun, Mexico (January, 2011), pp.368-371. 【abstract】
  2. Akira Taniyama, Yoshikazu Hirai, Koji Sugano, Osamu Tabata, Tsuyoshi Ikehara, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, “Local Stress Analysis of Single Crystalline Silicon Resonator using Micro Raman Spectroscopy”, The 24th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE MEMS2011), Cancun, Mexico (January, 2011), pp.449-452. 【abstract】
  3. Koji Sugano, Akihiro Nakata, Hideaki Yoshimune, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “High-speed Pulsed Mixing with High-frequency Switching of Pumping from Three Inlet Microchannels”, The 6th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2011), Kaohsiung, Taiwan (February, 2011), pp.75-78. 【abstract】
  4. Yoshikazu Hirai, Yusuke Nakai, Yoshihide Makino, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Epoxy-Based Permeable Membrane Fabrication for 3D Microfluidic Device”, The 6th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2011), Kaohsiung, Taiwan (February, 2011), pp.188-191. 【abstract】
  5. Hiroyuki Tokusaki, Yoshikazu Hirai, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Equivalent Circuit Analysis of Micromechanical Resonator using Comb Transducer Model with Built-In Displacement Detection”, The 6th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2011), Kaohsiung, Taiwan (February, 2011), pp.1288-1292. 【abstract】
  6. Koji Sugano, Hideaki Yoshimune, Akihiro Nakata, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “High-Speed Pulsed Mixing with High-Frequency Switching of Micropump Driving and its Application to Nanoparticle Synthesis”, The 16th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’11), Beijing, China (June, 2011), pp.2570-2573. 【abstract】
  7. Yoshikazu Hirai, Akio Uesugi, Yoshihide Makino, Hiromasa Yagyu, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Negative-Photoresist Mechanical Property for Nano-Filtration Membrane Embedded in Microfluidics”, The 16th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’11), Beijing, China (June, 2011), pp.2706-2709. 【abstract】
  8. Yoshikazu Hirai, Akio Uesugi, Yoshihide Makino, Hiromasa Yagyu, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Mechanical Characterization of Negative Photoresist by Nano-Indentation for Nano-Filtration Membrane”, The 9th International Workshop on High-Aspect-Ratio Micro-Structure Technology (HARMST2011), Hsinchu, Taiwan (June, 2011), pp.62-63.
  9. Koji Sugano, Akihiro Nakata, Hideaki Yoshimune, Yoshikazu Hirai, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “High-Speed Pulsed Mixing with High-Frequency Switching of Pumping from Three Micropumps”, The ASME-JSME-KSME 2011 Joint Fluids Engineering Conference (AJK2011-FED), Hamamatsu, Japan (July, 2011), pp.365-369. 【abstract】
  10. Yoshikazu Hirai, Ken-Ichiro Kamei, Yoshihide Makino, Li Liu, Qinghua Yuan, Yong Chen, Osamu Tabata, “mESC and hiPSC Proliferation on Negative Photoresists for Microfluidics”, The 25th EUROSENSORS (EUROSENSORS XXV), Athens, Greece (September, 2011), pp.1233-1236. 【abstract】
  11. Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Hiroyuki Tokusaki, Yoshikazu Hirai, Koji Sugano, Osamu Tabata, “Self-dependent Equivalent Circuit Modeling of Electrostatic Comb Transducers for Integrated MEMS”, The 19th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, Hong Kong (October, 2011), pp.208-213. 【abstract】
  12. Hiromasa Yagyu, Yoshikazu Hirai, Akio Uesugi, Yoshihide Makino, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Epoxy-Based Chemically-Amplified Resist for MEMS Application”, The 2011 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA USA (November 2011), MRS Proceedings 2012, Vol. 1415, mrsf11-1415-tt05-14 (6 pages). 【abstract】


  1. Guillermo Lopez, Osamu Tabata, Masahiro Fujita, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Koji Sugano, Yoshikazu Hirai, Takahiro Saeki, Ryo Sato, Tomoki Tanemura, Mizuo Maeda, “DNA-Grafted-Polymer Mediated Self-Assembly of Micro Components”, The 5th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2010), Xiamen, China (January, 2010), pp.248-252. 【abstract】
  2. Ryo Sato, Tomoki Tanemura, Yoshikazu Hirai, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “DNA Mediated Self-Assembly of Micro-Scale Components and Sites”, The 7th Annual Conference on Foundations of Nanoscience: Self-Assembled Architectures and Devices (FNANO 2010), Snowbird, UT USA (April, 2010), pp.11-12.
  3. Taku Wakita, Yoshikazu Hirai, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, Tsuyoshi Ikehara, “Crystal Anisotropy on Strength of Single Crystal Silicon Measured by Tensile Testing”, The 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT 2010), Perth, Australia (July, 2010), p.44.
  4. Hiroyuki Tokusaki, Yoshikazu Hirai, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Component Modeling of 2DOF Comb Transducer for Equivalent Circuit using Built-in Displacement Detection”, The 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT 2010), Perth, Australia (July, 2010), p.160.
  5. Kazuya Tsujimoto, Yoshikazu Hirai, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Sacrificial Microchannel Sealing by Glass-Frit Reflow for Micromachined Alkali Gas-Filled Cell”, The 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT 2010), Perth, Australia (July, 2010), p.211.
  6. Yoshikazu Hirai, Yusuke Nakai, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Embedded Double-Layered Microchannel Fabrication for Microfluidic Devices using Developer Permeability of Negative Thick-Film Resists”, The 24th EUROSENSORS (EUROSENSORS XXIV), Linz, Austria (September, 2010), pp.854-857. 【abstract】


  1. Fred van Keulen, Yoshikazu Hirai, Osamu Tabata, “Automated Optimization of Light Dose Distribution for Moving-Mask Lithography”, The 10th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multiphysics Simulation and Experiments in Micro-Electronics and Micro-Systems (EuroSimE 2009), Delft, The Netherlands (April, 2009), pp.1-9. 【abstract】
  2. Yoshikazu Hirai, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Parameter Optimization Method for Fabricating 3D Microstructures Embedded in Single-Layer Negative-Tone Photoresist”, The 15th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’09), Denver, CO USA (June, 2009), pp.1616-1619. 【abstract】
  3. Yoshikazu Hirai, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “3-Dimensional Thick-Resist Microstructuring Adopting Wavelength Dependency of Photoresist Property”, The 8th International Workshop on High-Aspect-Ratio Micro-Structure Technology (HARMST 2009), Saskatoon, Canada (June, 2009), pp.27-28.
  4. Yoshikazu Hirai, Hideaki Yoshimune, Kazuya Tsujimoto, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Microchannel Embedded in Glass-Frit Layer Bonding for Gas-Filled Sealed Cavity”, The 8th International Workshop on High-Aspect-Ratio Micro-Structure Technology (HARMST 2009), Saskatoon, Canada (June, 2009), pp.153-154. 【Received the “HARMST 2009 Best Student Presentation Award”】
  5. Pascal Meyer, Sadik Hafizovic, Yoshikazu Hirai, Jan G. Korvink, “Simulation Tool for Deep X-ray Lithography: an Overview”, The 8th International Workshop on High-Aspect-Ratio Micro-Structure Technology (HARMST 2009), Saskatoon, Canada (June, 2009), pp.175-176.
  6. Masashi Sato, Yoshikazu Hirai, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers with Novel Membrane Design”, The 23rd EUROSENSORS (EUROSENSORS XXIII), Lausanne, Switzerland (September, 2009), pp.389-392. 【abstract】
  7. (Invited) Yoshikazu Hirai, “Single-exposure and Single-development Process of Single-layer Negative Photoresist for Low-cost Microfluidic System Fabrication”, The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering (IEEE-NANOMED 2009), Tainan, Taiwan (October 2009), pp.16.


  1. Yoshikazu Hirai, Yoshiteru Inamoto, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Modeling of Positive-Tone Type Thick-Photoresist Dissolution and Sequential Development Profile Simulation”, The 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT 2008), Tainan, Taiwan (June, 2008), 3E1-3.
  2. Fred van Keulen, Yoshikazu Hirai, Osamu Tabata, “Objective Function and Adjoint Sensitivities for Moving-Mask Lithography”, The 12th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Victoria, British Columbia Canada (September, 2008), AIAA-2008-5934.
  3. Shuji Taue, Sunao Ichihara, Yasuyuki Sugihara, Kiyoshi Ishikawa, Hideyuki Sugioka, Natsuhiko Mizutani, Shujie Liu, Yoshikazu Hirai, Osamu Tabata, Tetsuo Kobayashi, “Measurement of Biomagnetic Fields in Small Animals by use of an Optical Pumping Atomic Magnetometer”, The 16th International Conference on Biomagnetism (Biomag 2008), Sapporo, Japan (August, 2008), No.10-33.
  4. Yoshikazu Hirai, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “3-Dimensional Positive Thick-resist Microstructuring Adopting Wavelength Dependency of Photoresist Property”, The 22nd EUROSENSORS (EUROSENSORS XXII), Dresden, Germany (September, 2008), pp.1559-1602.


  1. Yoshiteru Inamoto, Yoshikazu Hirai, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Moving-mask UV Lithography and Embedded Microchannels, The 7th International Workshop on High-Aspect-Ratio Micro-Structure Technology (HARMST 2007), Besancon, France (June, 2007), pp.31-32.
  2. Yoshikazu Hirai, Yoshiteru Inamoto, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Osamu Tabata, “Moving-Mask UV Lithography for 3-Dimensional Positive- and Negative-Tone Thick Photoresist Microstructuring”, The 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’07), Lyon, France (June, 2007), pp.545-548. 【abstract】


  1. Naoki Matsuzuka, Yoshikazu Hirai, Osamu Tabata, “Prediction Method of 3-D Shape Fabricated by Double Exposure Technique in Deep X-ray Lithography (D2XRL)”, The 19th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE MEMS2006), Istanbul, Turkey (January, 2006), pp.186-189. 【abstract】


  1. Yoshikazu Hirai, Naoki Matsuzuka, Osamu Tabata, “Analytical Method for Process Parameters Determination on Double Exposure Deep X-Ray Lithography”, The 6th International Workshop on High-Aspect-Ratio Micro-Structure Technology (HARMST 2005), Gyeongju, Korea (June, 2005), pp.144-145.
  2. Naoki Matsuzuka, Yoshikazu Hirai, Osamu Tabata, “A New Experimental Technique for Process Parameters Determination on X-ray Lithography”, The 6th International Workshop on High-Aspect-Ratio Micro-Structure Technology (HARMST 2005), Gyeongju, Korea (June, 2005), pp.146-147.


  1. Naoki Matsuzuka, Yoshikazu Hirai, Osamu Tabata, “A Novel Fabrication Process of 3-D Microstructures by Double Exposure in Standard Deep X-Ray Lithography”, The 17th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE MEMS2004), Maastricht, The Netherlands (January, 2004), pp.681-684. 【abstract】


  1. Sadik Hafizovic, Yoshikazu Hirai, Osamu Tabata, Jan. G. Korvink, “X3D: 3D X-Ray Lithography and Development Simulation for MEMS”, The 12th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’03), Boston, MA USA (June, 2003), pp.1570-1573. 【abstract】
  2. Yoshikazu Hirai, Sadik Hafizovic, Jan G. Korvink, Osamu Tabata, “Measurement of PMMA Dissolution Rate and System Calibration for Predictive 3-D Simulation of Moving Mask Deep X-Ray Lithography”, The 5th International Workshop on High-Aspect-Ratio Micro-Structure Technology (HARMST 2003), Monterey, CA USA (June, 2003), pp.37-38.
  3. Naoki Matsuzuka, Yoshikazu Hirai, Osamu Tabata, Sadik Hafizovic, Jan G. Korvink, “Effect of Development Process in Moving Mask Deep X-ray Lithography for 3D Microfabrication”, The 5th International Workshop on High-Aspect-Ratio Micro-Structure Technology (HARMST 2003), Monterey, CA USA (June, 2003), pp.59-60.
  4. Yoshikazu Hirai, Sadik Hafizovic, Naoki Matsuzuka, Jan G. Korvink, Osamu Tabata, “3D Simulation System for Moving Mask Deep X-ray Lithography”, The 14th International Symposium on Micromechatronics and Human Science (MHS 2003), Nagoya, Japan (October, 2003), pp.271-276. 【abstract】