Paper published-Journal of Evolving Space Activities
A paper about an ionic liquid electrospray thruster has been published in Journal of Evolving Space Activities. This paper is based on the master thesis of Ms. Akane Nishimura.
Akane Nishimura, Hirohide Katsuta, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Yoshinori Takao
Design and Fabrication of Ionic Liquid Electrospray Thruster with Two-Stage Electrodes
Journal of Evolving Space Activities, Vol. 1, Article ID 7 (2023).
DOI: 10.57350/jesa.7
This research is collaborative research with Prof. Yoshinori Takao in Yokohama National Univ. The research is supported by the Canon Foundation and Grantin-Aid for Scientific Research of JSPS JP18H01623 and JP21H01530. The device was fabricated at Nanotechnology Hub in Kyoto Univ.