Dynamic Stress Measurement in MEMS Structures using Micro Raman Spectroscopy
The aim of this research is to analyze local and instantaneous stress in resonating single-crystal silicon (SCS) microstructures using micro Raman spectroscopy. Analyzing local stress on vibrating structure is expected for the evaluation of the mechanical reliability of SCS microstructure. When a static stress is applied on the specimen, the spectrum shifts like Fig.1, keeping its shape. When the specimen is resonating, the observed spectra are broadened by stress oscillation (Fig.2). There are two ways to analyze the instantaneous stress. One is to analyze the broadened spectrum with calculation. The other is to use stroboscopic light in synchronization with the vibration of the specimen to get spectra in a vibration phase (Fig.3). Now we are studying in the latter method.

Conference Presentation
A.Taniyama, Y.Hirai, K.Sugano, O.Tabata, T.Ikehara, T.Tsuchiya
“Local Stress Analysis of Single Crystalline Silicon Resonator Using Micro Raman Spectroscopy” IEEE. MEMS2011. pp.449-452