
2011121918243312月17日(土)‾18日(日)の2日間,京都大学・桂キャンパス ローム記念館で「マイクロ・ナノ工学国際ワークショップ」が開催されました.
【LINK: https://www.nms.me.kyoto-u.ac.jp/mnm2011/



●FB-02 Chunmei Huang
  An analysis of temperature dependency for DNA origami self-assembly
●FB-07 Kazuya Tsujimoto
  Design of alkali metal vapor cell adapting sacrificial microchannel sealing technique
●FB-10 Akio Uesugi
  Effect of surface morphology on tensile strength of single crystal silicon
●FB-12 So Nishino
  Fabrication and evaluation of nanogap electrodes based on chemically synthesized gold nanorods
●FB-19 Mohamed Mitwally
  KrF excimer laser reformation for sidewall smoothing of free-standing single crystal silicon beams
●SA-07 Tatsuya Kataoka
  Tensile testing of dielectrophoretically assembled SWCNT clamped with electroless gold deposition
●SA-11 Akira Taniyama
  Dynamic stress analysis of vibrating silicon MEMS microstructure using micro Raman spectroscopy
●MS-02 Hiromasa Yagyu
  Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation approach for mechanical property of epoxy-based chemically-amplified resist
●MS-03 Akio Kitamura
  Equivalent circuit analysis of nonlinear frequency response for electrostatic comb resonator